(VGCINUH) Vanguard Global Credit Bond Fund Institutional USD Hedged Accumulation Shares - Institutional USD Hedged Acc

NAV Price ()
Risk Indicator

About this fund

Fund objectives

Fund facts

Share class inception
Minimum initial investment
Investment structure
Share class assets'
Total assets
Risk indicator
Asset class
Index ticker
Distribution frequency
Tax status
Legal entity

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.


Total Returns (net of fees)


Risk and Volatility


Sorry, this information is not available yet. It will display a year after inception date.

Please note Beta and R-squared data will only display for funds with 3 full years of history.

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.

Portfolio data


As at

Number of issuers
Weighted Average Life
Weighted Average Maturity
Market allocation


Temporarily unavailable

Distribution by credit quality (% of funds)


Distribution by credit issuer


Distribution by credit maturity


Holdings details


Prices and distribution


NAV Price ()
NAV 52-week high
NAV 52-week low
NAV 52-week difference
Outstanding shares
Historical Prices


Distribution history

Purchase information